Monday, May 17, 2010

Pee-lice Blotter: It Smells Like Skunk, Deer

Tweet Pee knows where urine comes from. It comes from the bladders of all god's creatures with the exception of those creatures without bladders that are most certainly the alien beings that L. Ron Hubbard referred to as non-urinating thetans. Beyond that Tweet Pee knows that he is always able get urine from himself and other domesticated animals that one might keep handy in a home like a guinea pig, Velociraptor, or common house cat for the odd occasion he just might need to use it to mark his territory.

While siphoning the waste of your pets to make a statement is all well and good, Tweet Pee questions anyone who would go above and beyond the call of duty to seek out the urine of more elusive animals who aren't readily available in a cage or on display at the local state fair. Rather than go for the homemade approach for the classic senior prank, five graduating students of Kansas's Ell-Saline High School went the gourmet route, giving their school faculty and fellow students an olfactory thrill by dousing their alma-mater with a wasteful and aromatic flow of skunk and deer.

Needless to say, the smell probably didn't remind anyone of roses and it most certainly would not have made for a pleasant environment to take finals. As a result the school was closed until someone bought Glade plug-ins. Though that kind of tomfoolery can sometimes result in a pat on the back and a hearty exclamation of, "good one" more often than not someone ends up frowning in the general direction of the merry brand of pranksters. In this case, the frown was accompanied by charges of vandalism and said pranksters were arrested. All's well that ends well.

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